Creating a setting for deep discussion, impactful dialogue, and spirited debate among a group of respected international leaders and academics.
Thoughtful branding combined with attention to even the most subtle design detail created a calm, engaging backdrop for an exploration of the important issues we face.
art direction
Event design
Printed materials / collateral
Exploring complex issues from our nation’s colleges and universities - from student success and free speech to diversity and new technologies - the NYT Higher Ed Leaders Forum gathers influential leaders in higher education to uncover innovative solutions. The event includes provocative onstage debates, revealing interviews and collaborative breakout sessions designed to uncover ways to better navigate the leadership challenges faced by today’s presidents, chancellors, and provosts.
The design challenges presented by an event of this scope included creating an atmosphere of engagement across a variety of settings while using design elements to subtly enhance the experience of participants and lend meaning to the event itself. Due to the significance of the event, we also took care to ensure design elements were media friendly, translating visually on camera, in print, and in a live setting.
This large scale, international event required extensive collaboration between the New York Times and the Ray Bloch Productions team. Cohesive branding for this event meant building upon the existing logo to create a unique visual brand within the existing New York Times brand scheme. Drawing on our success in past years, we were able to present this professional, highly educated audience with a subtle brand approach to enhance the discussions at the center of the event.